
Job hunting in Philadelphia 

フィラデルフィアで仕事を見つけるのはなかなか難しいですね。まずスキルがないと厳しいとおもいます。アメリカもオーストラリアやカナダみたいに Working Holiday があれば、もっと仕事がみつかりやすいのかもしれません。

Finding work in Philadelphia is a pretty difficult thing to do. And if you don't have any skills to begin with, it's even tougher. If America had a Working Holiday program like Australia or Canada, it might be a lot easier.

But if you can speak native level English, getting a job is simple. You just can't really be picky about what job you're looking for. 

僕が仕事探しに使ったサイトはCraigslist (https://philadelphia.craigslist.org/)です。

The site I used for job hunting was Craigslist. 

You send your resume over to restaurants you might like to give a shot. Then it's just a matter of waiting. After 2 or 3 days pass by with no reply, it's time to look for somewhere else.

はじめに返事が来たのはSushi のレストランからでした。給料はよくて、時給$15でした。でも、アメリカですしを作るのはなんか違うと思ったので、別の場所を探しました。

The first reply I got came from a sushi restaurant. The pay was good - $15 an hour. But something about making sushi in America felt kind of wrong, so I decided to look elsewhere.

Actually, the people working in the kitchen were mostly Hispanic/Latino.
I think it's pretty rare to find a Japanese chef in Philadelphia.

そのあとに返事がきたのは、New American styleのレストランでした。

The next reply I got came from a New American style restaurant.
And that was the first place I started working at.
But for some reason I wasn't receiving a shift schedule, and had to look for another job yet again.


今はHigh Street On Market というレストランで働いています。

Now I'm working at a restaurant called High Street on Market.

ちなみにアメリカでは、週に40時間以上(週5日×8時間)働くと、over timeとして時給×1.5の給料をもらえます。それと、医療保険に加入できます。

BTW, in America if you work over 40 hours a week (eight hours, five days a week), you receive overtime pay which is 1.5x your normal rate. On top of that, you get health insurance too.




About Us!

Hey there! We're Taiki and Andrea - a Japanese/American couple who love traveling and learning about other people and cultures. We've been to India, Thailand, Korea, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece and Italy (as well as the US and Japan of course!)

We started a blog to preserve our memories while encouraging and motivating others to travel or learn English!

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